Verbs are an essential part of grammar that are used to convey the action or state of being in a sentence. It is important to ensure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number and person. Verb agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar, and mastering it is crucial for students of class 10. In this article, we will explore verb agreement and provide some MCQs that will help students test their understanding of the topic.

What is Verb Agreement?

Verb agreement refers to the matching of the number and person of the subject of a sentence with the corresponding form of the verb. A singular subject takes a singular verb, whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb. For example,

Singular subject: The cat is sleeping.

Plural subject: The cats are sleeping.

In addition to number, verb agreement also considers person. The three persons in English are first person (I, we), second person (you), and third person (he, she, it, they). Each of these persons requires a different form of the verb. For example,

First person singular: I am going to the store.

Third person singular: He is going to the store.

MCQs on Verb Agreement

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The group of dancers _______ rehearsing for their upcoming performance.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) were

Answer: b) are

Explanation: The subject, “group of dancers,” is plural. Therefore, the verb must also be plural, which is “are.”

2. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Each of the students _______ their own project.

a) has

b) have

c) was

d) were

Answer: a) has

Explanation: Even though the subject “students” is plural, the phrase “each of” makes the subject singular. Therefore, the verb must be singular, which is “has.”

3. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. The dog, along with its puppies, _______ in the yard.

a) is playing

b) are playing

c) was playing

d) were playing

Answer: a) is playing

Explanation: Even though there are multiple dogs, the subject is still singular because of the phrase “along with its puppies.” Therefore, the verb must be singular, which is “is playing.”

4. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Maria and her friends _______ to the movies every weekend.

a) goes

b) go

c) is going

d) are going

Answer: b) go

Explanation: The subject “Maria and her friends” is plural. Therefore, the verb must also be plural, which is “go.”


Verb agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar that is essential for students of class 10. By understanding how verbs agree with the subject in terms of number and person, students can write grammatically correct sentences. These MCQs provide a useful way for students to test their understanding of verb agreement and improve their grammar skills.